Post Conference Event
CITAC Workshop
What should you know about metrology & quality requirements
to analytical results?
21 January 2010,
9:15 - 16:45
Lev Hakongressim, Weizmann Science Park, Golda Mair 5, Ness Ziona
The workshop will cover metrological principles and practice in analytical laboratories important for quality assurance of analytical results, required by GLP & GMP standards, ISO/IEC 17025 standard, spread for competence of testing laboratories, other international documents and regulations. Use of reference materials as measurement standards, calculation of measurement uncertainty of analytical results, traceability of a routine result to national and international measurement standards and System International of Units (SI), interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency testing are the topics of the course.
This workshop is suited to analysts, quality specialists, metrologists in chemistry and managers of analytical laboratories.
You will learn:
- Introduction to metrology and quality in chemistry.
- A practical guide to chemical metrology and pharmaceutical quality.
- Exploiting the potential of reference materials and accompanying information by different laboratories
- Different approaches to estimation of measurement uncertainty in analytical chemistry.
- Metrological traceability of measurement results in chemistry: concepts and implementation.
- Metrological traceability in analytical spectrophotometric instrument qualification.
Click on the lecture title to see the abstract
8:45-9:15 |
Registration |
9:15-10:15 |
Introduction to metrology and quality in chemistry |
Dr. Ilya Kuselman,
INPL, Israel
10:15-10:30 |
Coffee break |
10:30-11:30 |
Different approaches to estimation of measurement uncertainty in analytical chemistry |
Prof. Ivo Leito,
University of Tartu, Estonia
11:30-12:30 |
Exploiting the potential of reference materials and accompanying information by different laboratories |
Prof. Hendrik Emons, IRMM, European Union
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-14:30 |
Metrological traceability of measurement results in chemistry: concepts and implementation |
Prof. Paul De Bievre,
Consultant, Belgium
14:30-15:30 |
Metrological traceability in analytical spectrophotometric instrument qualification |
Dr. Jerry D. Messman,
Stranaska Scientific LLC, USA
15:30-15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45-16:45 |
A practical guide to chemical metrology and pharmaceutical quality |
Dr. William Koch,
Note: Every lecture is of 45 min and 15 min for questions and discussions.
Who should attend
- Laboratory personnel in analytical (quality control) and R&D laboratories
- Quality assurance personnel involved in reviewing analytical data and validation studies
- Projects coordinators and analytical laboratory managers
- Metrologists specialized in chemistry
About the Speakers
The speakers are members of the Cooperation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry – CITAC (
- Dr. Ilya Kuselman, Head of the Materials Department, the National Physical Laboratory of Israel (INPL), Israel
- Dr. William Koch, Chief Metrology Officer, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), USA
- Prof. Hendrik Emons, Head of the Reference Material Unit, the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM), European Union
- Prof. Ivo Leito, Coordinator of the European consortium “Measurement Science in Chemistry”, Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Estonia
- Prof. Paul De Bièvre, Independent Consultant on Metrology in Chemistry, Editor–in-Chief of the International Journal «Accreditation and Quality Assurance» (Springer), Belgium
- Dr. Jerry Messman, Managing Director, Stranaska Scientific LLC, USA
Registration fees:
Registration Fees
Before Jan. 7, 2010
Registration Fees
After Jan. 7, 2010 |
Israeli participants |
900 NIS |
1100 NIS |
Foreign participants |
170 Euro |
190 Euro |
registration form please click here 